AcTo Dementia Website Launch

AcTo Dementia Website

Today sees the launch of a brand new website, AcTo Dementia, where the primary focus is to recommend Accessible Touchscreen apps for people living with dementia.

All of the apps on this website, whether currently featured or forthcoming, have been tested using an evidence-based app selection framework by researchers from the University of Sheffield and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. Initially the focus is on games and entertainment apps to provide independent activities for people living with dementia, although in the future this will expand to include other types of apps as well. 

AcTo Dementia launches with six app recommendations, with many more to follow through regular updates from the research team.

In addition to app recommendations, the site also features: 

  • Step-by-step guides to support people with dementia using touchscreen devices independently or with the support of family, friends or professional caregivers
  • A community forum for users to interact with each other and with the research team, to, for example, share their own experiences of using touchscreen devices or suggest new apps for future review
  • Information about members of the research team and their work, including publications relating to the AcTo Dementia project

We encourage you to explore and interact with the website now, and feel free to leave any comments or feedback through the forum, the contact page or any comments box below individual reviews and news articles.


Phil Joddrell

Phil is a PhD student at the Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (CATCH) in the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield. He has eight years' experience working with people living with dementia in both clinical and research environments. Phil’s PhD is investigating the use of touchscreen technology with people with dementia, with the aim of increasing the accessibility of existing apps.

Phil completed his undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of York in 2007 and went on to work as an Assistant Psychologist in the older adult services at The Retreat, a not for profit provider of specialist mental health care in York.

In 2013, Phil decided to make the move into research and joined the Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Group within ScHARR, working as a Research Assistant on two projects in the field of dementia care. InTouch explored the potential of games on touchscreen tablet computers for people with dementia and DigIT is developing an evidence-based protocol for the evaluation of assistive technology designed for people with dementia.

Phil’s research interests are focused on improving the quality of life for people diagnosed with dementia using everyday technologies.